

来源: | 发布日期:3个月前 | 浏览次数:







  1. **设备选型**:根据活动规模与需求,精选了多款性能稳定、操作简便的检票闸机,确保能够满足高人流量的检票需求。

  2. **快速部署**:利用自身丰富的行业经验与专业的技术团队,在短时间内完成了检票闸机的安装与调试工作,确保了活动前的顺利验收。

  3. **灵活租赁**:提供灵活的租赁周期与价格方案,根据客户需求定制租赁时长,既满足了活动的短期需求,又有效控制了成本。

  4. **现场支持**:活动期间,缘通租赁派遣专业技术人员驻场,随时解决可能出现的设备故障或操作问题,确保检票工作的顺利进行。





  1. **高效检票**:检票闸机采用先进的识别技术,能够快速准确地识别门票信息,大大提高了检票效率,减少了观众等待时间。

  2. **安全保障**:设备具备完善的防夹、防撞功能,确保了观众在检票过程中的安全。同时,闸机还与现场监控系统联动,为活动提供了全方位的安全保障。

  3. **数据收集**:检票闸机还具备数据收集与分析功能,能够实时统计入场人数、人流峰值等信息,为主办方提供了宝贵的数据支持,有助于未来活动的优化与改进。




  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Channel Toll and Ticket Checking Gate Rental in Songyuan City, Jilin Province**

  In Songyuan City, Jilin Province, with the frequent holding of various events, the demand for temporary and high-efficiency ticket checking gates is increasing day by day. Yuan Tong Rental, as a professional service provider in this field, recently successfully provided rental services for ticket checking gates for a large-scale sports event in Songyuan City, which not only ensured the smooth progress of the event but also won high praise from customers.

  The event was an international sports competition that attracted numerous participants and spectators from home and abroad. Due to the events short duration, high crowd density, and high safety requirements, the organizer was particularly urgent for ticket checking gates. They needed not only a set of equipment that could efficiently and accurately complete ticket checking tasks but also a solution that could be quickly deployed, flexibly adjusted, and cost-controlled.

  In response to customer needs, Yuan Tong Rental quickly provided the following service solutions: equipment selection, rapid deployment, flexible leasing, and on-site support. During the event, the ticket checking gates provided by Yuan Tong Rental were not only stable in performance and easy to operate, but more importantly, their service team was very professional. From equipment selection, installation, and debugging to on-site support, every step was done very well.

  After the event, the organizer highly praised the ticket checking gate rental service provided by Yuan Tong Rental, saying that the efficient operation of the ticket checking gates greatly shortened the audiences entry time and effectively relieved the pressure on the scene. This cooperation was very successful, and they would choose Yuan Tong Rental first for similar events in the future.

  The successful holding of this international sports competition in Songyuan City once again proved Yuan Tong Rentals professional ability and service level in the field of ticket checking gate rental. In the future


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